TogetherBeyond TogetherBeyond

雅各布斯女性网络:Deja Spigner的故事

Finding a sense of belonging

Deja Spigner

As part of our Boldly Moving Forward Strategy, 我们专注于有意地建立深度, 信任我们的员工,培养我们包容的文化, including in how we approach wellbeing. 

幸福是我们所能做和完成的一切的基础. We continually evaluate our wellbeing programs and benefits to best support our people – and we’re sharing stories of how these programs and tools are helping each of us individually be at our best, so we’re able to do more – together.

In this feature, we connected with Lead Account Strategist Deja Spigner to see how she found a sense of belonging with our Jacobs Women’s Network

Featured benefit: 

Jacobs Women’s Network (JWN)


我加入了我们在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的地方网络.S., to network with other women in the office and to explore issues specific to women at Jacobs. Through that network, 我成为了全球指导委员会的一员, 支持他们领导沟通和活动.

How did it help? 

它在很多方面都有帮助:1)扩大了我的人际网络, meeting some great people at Jacobs; 2) I gained a more global perspective of the company, learning about challenges for women around the world; 3) I interfaced with key leaders, gathering great insights along the way; and 4) I found an outlet for expressing my values.

What did you like most? 

I’ve met so many colleagues who care about the world beyond themselves and I am regularly inspired by their efforts and energy.

Are you still part of the network?

是的,我是现在的环球通讯 & Connections Lead for JWN.

What do you want others to know? 

你不必非得是女性才能为JWN捐款, you just need to care about the women in your life and want to make the world better for them.

“You can have a rewarding career at Jacobs without ever getting involved in the Women’s Network or another network, but it won’t be as much fun!”

Deja Spigner

Deja Spigner

雅各布斯首席客户策略师和雅各布斯妇女网络通信 & Connections Lead

Wellbeing at Jacobs


在雅各布斯,员工的福祉是我们成功的基础. 当我们每个人都健康的时候,我们的集体力量是无限的.

A world where you can is only achievable when we’re each functioning at our highest abilities. We can’t be our true selves, get our work done, 发展和成长,除非我们的理想状态得以维持. We embed wellbeing into all, so we’re able to deliver on our purpose – today and into the future.

Learn more about Wellbeing at Jacobs

Join #OurJacobs team

你的动力驱动着我们,我们一起努力建设一个更美好的世界. At Jacobs, every day is an opportunity to make the world better, more connected, more sustainable. 我们一直在寻找有活力和敬业精神的人加入我们的团队. 带上你的激情,你的聪明才智和你的远见.

external 让我们一起看看我们能创造什么样的影响