Q& 2021年8月2日

Q&: Talking with Mark Reiner, 亚洲体育博彩平台’ Director of Resilient Infrastructure

We caught up with Mark Reiner, the brains behind our aging infrastructure solution, 万花筒.


在本专题中, 亚洲体育博彩平台’ Director of Resilient Infrastructure Mark Reiner gives insight into our aging infrastructure solution, 万花筒, the importance of thinking broadly when developing solutions and the ‘A’ in STEAM.

马克,你的背景和教育是地质学和土木工程. How did that lead you down the path to look for ways to help address aging infrastructure?

As a civil engineer I saw how infrastructure is traditionally placed below ground, 作为一名地质学家, 我知道有些土壤有多腐蚀性. 土壤的差异沉降是不可避免的, 它给我们的首页带来了意想不到的压力. 直到我的博士学位.D. 我开始研究为什么我们需要在添加新资产之前了解现有系统的几乎所有内容,并称该系统具有弹性或可持续性. 我想要连接新的, modern infrastructure to the older systems 一个城市 uses and how to maintain it if it’s buried underground. You can’t have only one link of the chain be shiny and new and call the whole chain resilient and sustainable; a system is only as strong as its weakest link.

雅各布斯投资了你老旧的首页解决方案,万花筒. 是什么让雅各布斯 万花筒 非常合适?

The team at 亚洲体育博彩平台 has the brain power and deep domain expertise to help 万花筒 bring light to infrastructure vulnerabilities; especially where they express themselves as a hazard. 也, 雅各布斯可以帮助将万花筒从一个识别问题的工具转变为一个解决方案,因为雅各布斯团队在城市规划等广泛学科方面的知识, 公用事业的政策, 首页成本、社区和利益相关者的参与. Because 万花筒 helps cities look at modern utility asset management in a different way, 这与雅各布斯对创新的承诺和文化非常吻合.

Mark, give us a layperson’s view of what 万花筒 is and what it does.

简而言之, 万花筒使城市规划者和城市决策者能够更好地将所有首页资产的状况——即使是那些你看不到的——传达给依赖这些资产过日常生活的社区.

For example, an engineering firm was asked to provide safety ratings for the bridges in a town. 因为万花筒观察所有的首页, 我们预测一座工程公司给予优秀评级的桥梁会出现故障,因为有一条老化的主水管埋在桥中. 大约在大桥被评为优秀等级的三个月后, 有110年历史的总水管破裂了, 这座桥在修复之前不能使用.

You are one of the co-founders and developers of our 万花筒 technology. 这个想法是怎么产生的?

我第一次读《亚洲体育博彩平台》.S. had an aging infrastructure crisis in the 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers Report Card. I, like everyone else, assumed engineers were only held back by a lack of funding. 但几年之后, I began to think that more systemic issues might be involved than simply a lack of funding. 我开始从城市的角度思考老化的首页,或者量化城市的活力和生存能力会受到怎样的影响.

Who can benefit by using 万花筒, and what gap is it filling in the market?

从上到下, 万花筒 is for any entity that depends on infrastructure for viability, 比如军事设施或校园, 当然, 一个城市. 我们相信城市规划者, 弹性规划, 城市管理者, 应急管理人员和其他人可以使用万花筒更好地了解现有首页的脆弱性,并以透明的方式与公众接触,以推动具有较低生命周期成本分析的资本支出项目.

There really hasn’t been a systematic inclusion of how we discuss aging infrastructure in urban resilience. 我们倾向于一次只讨论一个领域, 例如交通或水, 但我们没有讨论我们应该如何管理城市中那些由于首页维修和维护而长期关闭的地区,也没有讨论这些地区是否真的被归类为危险地区. 将老化的首页添加到联邦紧急事务管理局的减灾规划中可以起到补充作用, but currently FEMA’s planning doesn’t include aging infrastructure as a hazard – only natural, 包括人为和技术危害.

是如何 万花筒 这是雅各布斯更广泛的城市弹性解决方案的一部分?

更广泛的解决方案需要与城市的高级工作人员和公众一起评估地理设计等项目, 提高城市韧性,通过公共事业政策和特许经营协议进行谈判,以实现多方利益相关者的解决方案. 万花筒 is one more piece of the puzzle that helps initiate broader solution discussions.

从你的有利位置, 万花筒只识别一个问题吗, 或者它指向解?

嗯,都. 一般来说,一个城市会有几十到几百个“问题”! 万花筒基本上对每个问题的强度进行了排序, 然后, 使用现有数据, 我们能够进一步分类每个问题如何影响通勤和商业,以及该地点是否是历史遗址. 我们还可以讨论一下这个地区的人口统计情况, 这一点非常重要, 因为如果你想找到答案, 社区必须支持它. Part of arriving at a solution involves communicating in a clear, concise and logical way.

2020年给世界带来了前所未有的挑战. 从这个新的角度来看 大流行后的世界, how can a tool such as 万花筒 help communities overcome new resiliency challenges?

围绕大流行后的街景正在进行许多讨论, 哪一个是完整的街道讨论的一部分. When 一个城市/community wants to make a long-term change to the urban road, we need to consider the underlying infrastructure as part of the total design. 这可能包括通过使用公用设施来切断通往被埋首页的道路,以及用耐坑洼的“永久路面”进行重建,两者完全分离. 它可能会进一步包括智能城市传感器,如果道路不经常被开辟,可能会提供投资回报.

What advice would you give to high school students or others who are interested in a career in STEAM?

专注于STEAM中的“A”. 我们不能把创造力和科学分开. While it is absolutely necessary for engineers to be precise and accurate, 这并不排除创造性的需要. After all, we can’t continue to do the same things and expect different outcomes.


I’ve built thin-shelled concrete bamboo kitchens for orphanages in Rwanda, 研究胶体, 墨西哥的镀银陶瓷滤水器, helped bring low-energy-technology wastewater treatment for the United Nations Peacekeepers in Haiti, 共同领导基加利, Rwanda masterplan for sustainable infrastructure and led a paper on sustainable infrastructure for Indian cities.




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