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新闻 Mar 16, 2022

Looking Back on 亚洲体育博彩平台’ Biggest Black History Month Ever

Reflecting on the past and the future, our Harambee Employee Network brought Black history to all of 亚洲体育博彩平台.

Black History Month 2022

While we celebrate and amplify Black employees and voices all year at 亚洲体育博彩平台Black History Month gives us the opportunity to reflect on the amazing Black engineers, scientists, architects, inventors and artists who have come before us, 它令人心酸地提醒人们,许多声音在对历史的贡献被记录下来之前就消失了.

This year, 亚洲体育博彩平台 had our biggest Black History Month ever. Led by Harambee, our Black Employee Network, joined by all of our 亚洲体育博彩平台 Employee Networks, the month featured a myriad of social events, 就像  Black Men Who Cook, a Trivia Night and an Open Mic and Poetry Jam, touched on more serious topics: Black Men and TherapyThe 遗产 of the Tuskegee AirmenBlack Female STEAM Contributions in History. These events engaged Black employees and allies from all levels of our organization, notably our Chair and CEO Steve Demetriou, 雅各布:SYSTRA USA的首席执行官金伯利•斯劳特和Axxess的创始人兼首席执行官约翰•奥拉吉德.

我们还在本月共同主办了BEYA(原年度黑人工程师)STEM会议, a program aimed at bringing the best and brightest Black talent into science, technology, engineering, math fields, eight 亚洲体育博彩平台 employees were recognized for their contributions in the field. Seven 亚洲体育博彩平台 employees were honored with the Science Spectrum Trailblazer Award, 水组组长Jaynelle Pemberton被授予享有盛誉的社区服务奖, in part for her work with the Jacksonville Office Employees Bikes-n-Bytes Program, impacting more than 800 students with donations of bikes and computers. In her acceptance speech, Jaynelle’s message resonated with her personal commitment to STEAM education stating, “What we do with our time and our talent to help the next generation is so very important.”

On the back of her Community Service Award win, 杰妮尔接受了当地一个电台节目的采访,并被邀请作为国会女议员斯泰西·普拉斯基特(D-VI)的嘉宾出席拜登总统的国情咨文演讲. 亚洲体育博彩平台 President and COO, Bob Pragada also gave an address at the BEYA event, 他说:“我们业务的持续成功依赖于我们聘请最优秀的多元化人才, 利用只有把不同的观点结合在一起才能产生的创造力和创新.”

2022 Black Engineer of the Year Awards

黑人历史月也提供了一个机会来反思我们在我们的 Global Action Plan for Advancing Justice and Equality. Launched in the summer of 2020 in response to events surrounding the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, countless other Black people, the Action Plan outlines the specific actions we are taking to advance Black talent, both inside and outside 亚洲体育博彩平台. 到目前为止, this includes such milestones as: donating more than $3,000,000 to social justice-related charities, sponsorships, 我们的董事会实现了55%的多样性,我们的执行领导团队实现了66%的多样性.

作为《首页》的一部分,我们还启动了多个项目,包括投资于 SEED School for Equity and Access, a boarding school in South Los Angeles; scholarships for 100 disadvantaged Black British students through the Cowrie Scholarship Foundation; and both scholarships and a new computer lab at Howard University. Internally, our company has made a sizable investment in attracting, promoting and retaining the best Black talent, 包括对500多名来自历史上弱势群体的员工进行高级指导,以及400名参加麦肯锡管理加速器计划的不同员工.

When we look back on Black history, 我们看到STEAM领域的许多伟大成就为我们周围的世界做出了贡献, we see the ways our societies yet need to improve. Black thinkers have contributed to and enriched our culture immeasurably, despite the challenges they still face. 但我们也看到了未来的伟大成就,看到了我们改变世界所要攀登的大胆高度, history-making Black 亚洲体育博彩平台 employees.